Thank you. I'm not a big blog reader myself and have recently unsubscribed from most on my list due to far too many posts and recommendations to deal with.

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You‘re in a good company: C. S. Lewis likely wouldn‘t be a big fan of blogs either 😉

🗨 It is a good rule, after reading a new book, never to allow yourself another new one till you have read an old one in between.


PS With this disclaimer in place, I don't see why it's such a big deal to reciprocate the recs as a simple act of courtesy. Our estranged world sure could use few helpings of lighthearted kindness 🙂

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I urge you NOT to recommend anything unless you have read it and, you know, actually do recommend it. Reciprocal recommendations are just spam for us readers.

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You know, actually, I've noticed that several of those who have recommended my substack have not generated any subscribers for my substack, which leads me to suspect that there ISN'T a strong cross fertilization potential between our readers. So, I'm already thinking that I need to tweak that strategy. Thanks.

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Aren't you overthinking just trifling transactional good manners? 😇

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As general rule it's probably fair to say that overthinking is my standard modus operandi.

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Well I guess this explains why the majority of your posts are book like in length and depth, mystery solved. :-)

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