This is somewhat off-topic, but it is directly related to what you have been writing about for more than a year.

I recently discovered J. Daniel Sawyer's Substack: https://jdanielsawyer.substack.com

In his first series of essays he analyses the predicament in which we currently find ourselves from the historical point of view, and speculates on possible outcomes. He specifically addresses the issues of centralization.

As I understand him, historically power centralization could not really hold for long and did not go deep enough. The situation we find ourselves in is rather unprecedented and is caused by centuries of practically uninterrupted economic growth and mechanization.

As an aside, the name he gives to political setup based on gemeinschaft is "subsidiarity".

Among other things, he argues that medieval (and later) towns while on their own being governed according to the principles of subsidiarity played a central role in that process of centralization. I do not quite get that argument, though.


Here is a quote from another series of his ("Reconnecting to History"):

"So having laid out my understanding, I shall reveal to you my opinion:

Life is too short and too precious, and the world is to vast, to waste too much of it defending opinions. It is better to share understandings, and seek to find the errors in your understandings.

I submit this opinion for what it’s worth."

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Interesting. Thanks for the tip. Some of that is interesting. Some I'm dubious about: I don't think subsidiarity and gemeinschaft should be collapsed into each other; they're semantically and conceptually distinct. Though certainly adherence to the former could help preserve or rejuvenate the latter. I largely agree with the final sentiment, though. Thanks.

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