I'm looking forward to the 10-page summary. I'm recommending your book to my students, and a 10-page intro will be helpful.

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Thanks. It's pretty close to done.

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I hope you added an index. A glossary of neologisms, acronyms, etc., would also be a welcome addition.

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Ah, too bad you didn't mention that last week. ;-)

But do you really need an index for an ebook? Can't you just search any term that interests you? I've certainly myself benefited from books that had such glossaries, though. (Though, again, one can usually find the full term by searching the acronym's first use.) So that might be a good idea for a future edition. I'm not sure I use that many acronyms, but I probably do have a penchant for coining neologisms. Thanks for the suggestions!

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You're right; what really needs an index is the hard copy. Any chance of that? Maybe on a revised edition in a couple of years, with a new forward or something. Or will there only be digital editions from now on?

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Totally agree. I'd probably have to hire someone to do that. But that would be a great addition. A couple of years, fingers crossed!

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