Now you have taught me all about the Polish workers and how they eventually through trial and error and loss of life overcame communism in Poland. I am grateful for your “condensed” articles… these are already far deep enough for me I would not have the patience nor the intellect nor the staying power for the long versions anyway. I like your writing very much and I am learning so much about history from you in such a huge variety of topics. I obviously never went to university but if I had I think world history would have been my favourite subject to learn about, and it sure is beneficial in gaining an informed understanding of what we are experiencing today. My heart and my brain and my soul all benefit greatly from your writings so I really do want to say thank you and to let you know how much I appreciate you!

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A lot of work goes into these little articles. It's encouraging to occasionally be assured that people are finding value in them. Your kind words mean a lot to me. Thank you.

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