Jul 21, 2022Liked by The Evolved Psyche

I think I did a good job following the premises laid out in this essay, as I was gearing up to ask the same question posed at the very end; that about regime suicide. Perhaps, then, cancel culture deployment is the tactical (and logical) next move, when one is running out of moves. To my thinking, it smells of desperation and panicked sloppiness and I don’t think I’m the only Canadian who has come to that conclusion, whether that is correct, partially correct or just hopeful thinking.

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Fascinating dynamic you've uncovered here. I think the feedback loop they established with artificial negativity is probably enhanced by a parallel development: the rise of political correctness, which due to self-censoring makes it even more difficult to ascertain what the populace really thinks. Of course, that was partly (largely) due to bullying from precisely the state-affiliated groups used for artificial negativity.

Incidentally, there's a very similar dynamic on campuses, with student groups being used by administrators as the excuse to push through the reforms they wanted to make anyways.

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