Since the recent MindMatters episode, there’s been a spike in subscriptions to this the substack. So, to all you new members: welcome! I’ll do my best to ensure you consider that subscription a good investment of your time.
For those who found their way here by some other route, you might want to check it out. I’ll include the video below. The MindMatters guys provide a channel with wide ranging discussion of philosophy, religion, psychology and politics. I originally found their channel after reading Political Ponerology and was curious to see if I could find any online discussions of the book. They in fact have a lengthy playlist of related topics.
So, a big thanks to them for dedicating an entire episode to this substack and my work more broadly. If you’re not familiar with their channel, but enjoy the ideas discussed here, you’ll definitely want to check them out.
Please go on MindMatters soon. They did a good job getting your important work onto a larger platform. I'm not a huge reader, I find good interviews get ideas out at depth in a far richer way than through the written word. I want to see who the creative thinkers are, how they react to questions, especially to contrasting views. So please go on the MindMatters show. Your work is of great importance and needs a wider audience.
good investment of you time.
good investment of your time.