Apr 4, 2022Liked by The Evolved Psyche

Please go on MindMatters soon. They did a good job getting your important work onto a larger platform. I'm not a huge reader, I find good interviews get ideas out at depth in a far richer way than through the written word. I want to see who the creative thinkers are, how they react to questions, especially to contrasting views. So please go on the MindMatters show. Your work is of great importance and needs a wider audience.

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Thank you for the kind words, Carlos. I can tell you that Harrison has generously invited me to come on MindMatters more than once. I would say to you the same thing that I told him: I'm really not very good in that kind of format. I'm not one of those people who thinks fast on his feet. I need time to mull and consider, to work out what I want to say on a topic. That's why it makes more sense for me to write than to engage in public speaking. I agree with you that the ideas are important to circulate, but I'd be doing a disservice to that end in trying to reach beyond my area of competence.

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good investment of you time.

good investment of your time.

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