"in response to the terrible damage done to their lives by the globalist social engineering agenda of the sclerotic and venal ruling faction of the managerial class." Beautifully described!

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The strategy of "flipping" the narrative to smear The Donald is certainly a possibility, and fits well enough the emergent anti-pattern of never-ending limited hangout cycles we've witnessed these last couple years.

It is, however, based on the fairly saccharine premise that the Orange Man wasn't simply fulfilling his actual marching orders.

Consider for a moment the list of individuals (we're aware of) who spent quality time aboard the Lolita Express. Clinton, Trump, Gates, "Windsor", et al. Based on the darker stories rumored around Bush the First and his gang, it's not a stretch to imagine a few other familiar and famous names also implicated by similar accusations over the years.

The metaphor of politics as puppet theater, akin to Plato's cave, certainly meshes nicely with your own terminology, describing our "leaders" accurately as (middle) management. Add a couple cups of honeypot "intel" gathering, a spoonful of bribery, a pinch of assassination, top it with a few exploding candles and there you have it. The Cake of State.

Personally, my crisis of faith in electoral process happened WAY back in high school, but I was always a precocious lad. Unpacking it all took a few more years, and I certainly don't claim to have all the answers, but forty years of reading and a well-developed and frequently exercised intuition did motivate me (us) to beat feet for the wife's ancestral family farm in the aftermath of September '01.

That was also the moment where she realized that my fairly cynical take on society, politics and matters financial was as close to the truth as she'd ever been -- and so we started packing up our lives and crossed the Atlantic as quickly as possible.

Sadly, my shaky hope that relocating to a rural redoubt in the Old World would spare us the pain and suffering sure to be inflicted on my native USSA (not a typo) in the next decade or so hasn't panned out as well as I'd hoped, but at least we're about as far from the bullseye as one can get "over there".

When considering where proposed mandates and the like are headed in the weeks and months ahead, my strategic mind does find small comfort in the practical realities involved in subduing millions of hesitant individuals.

+ Where will the state find the manpower to deal with such a gargantuan task?

+ Where are they going to put all of us, should "millions" be the correct figure?

+ Where exactly is the historical "tipping point" the hope-sters are counting on?

+ How far will the humans still necessary to physically enforce said diktats truly go?

Naturally, if the Digital Panopticon our overlords have been constructing for many years is well and truly ready to be rolled out, a state of permanent house arrest is certainly one workaround to the above issues.

The manpower problem is only temporary anyway, if the dystopian wet dreams of many a fiction author are close enough to the truth. A world of armed drones patrolling (former) civilian airspace and the pride of Boston Robotics roaming the urban centers would have been considered full-on nut job, tinfoil hat territory not too long ago.

Today, not so sure. This is coming from someone with technical background, including process automation and exposure to a wide variety of defense tech, by the way.

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Thanks for your lengthy comment, Doug. I'm not sure if your premise that Trump is controlled opposition would rule out my speculation. Though certainly I was assuming that he wasn't. I can't deny though having also speculated on your darker interpretation. Though I tend, unless I find the evidence to the contrary overwhelming, to not attribute to malice what can be explained by incompetence. And Trump was a lot of the latter (assuming he meant well toward his populist base).

I hope you do find some comfort in your expat choice. Many now are facing the kinds of decisions you had the foresight to make a generation ago. All the best.

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