Actually, is it: Back to the Future, or Back from the Past? Something like that.
In any event, I just wanted to send along a quick update to subscribers. And, by the way, I rarely address you all at this level, but I want too to take a moment to thank all of you who have subscribed to The Circulation of Elites. I know many more people read it than subscribe; but subscribing feels like a vote of confidence or an expression of interest that encourages me to try to continue improving what I’m doing here. So, again, thank you.
When I started this little project, back in October (sitting on my lovely balcony in Saranda, where I was then living), the idea was that I wasn’t committing to any kind of schedule. I would just post something whenever I had something to say. Simple, right? But then I found I had a good bit to say. I was turning out pieces regularly, but they were mostly quite theoretical and maybe in the eyes of some even a tad esoteric. So, I thought it made sense to space them out a bit, give the readers some breathing room, time to digest each one in turn. That’s how I hit upon the idea of publishing once a week. Again, being theoretical, and so evergreen, that seemed like a good approach.
Needless to say, things have changed. There is still a great deal of theory I want to explore in these pages. However, given the rapidly evolving events in the world over the last month or so, the opportunity to apply the theory that we’ve already fleshed out was too compelling. And, anyway, what’s the point of theory if it can’t be used practically to make sense of the world unfolding in real time? So, about a month ago I departed from the strictly theoretical discussions. As we’ve all seen, it has been a rollercoaster ride ever since. It no longer makes sense to stick to this weekly publishing schedule. The last post, about how the intra-class conflict between factions of the managerial class resulted in Trudeau’s sudden about face on his Emergencies Act powers, was written last week. I sat on it for five days, waiting for the Wednesday publication date. That made no sense. It was almost past its due date by then.
I’ve already written the first draft of the next two posts, addressing, among other things, the Ukraine situation. Saving these for subsequent Wednesdays is nonsensical. Strike while the iron is hot, and all that, right? So, to those of you who have found some comfort or reliability in the regular Wednesday publications (and I’ve been one of you), this missive is to warn you that posts will be coming less regularly, but, at least in the short term, more frequently. As circumstances evolve, I’ll be trying to get out new posts as they feel current, as long as being current feels like the right thing to do. Hopefully the quality of the ideas, any contributions they may offer to different ways of framing current events, will compensate for any additional burden they place upon your busy inbox.
Perhaps there will come a day, when we can all sit back, relax, take a deep breath, and smell the roses, or coffee, or whatever. And then it will feel right again to return to more regularly scheduled programing. Being a bit of a theory nerd, I’d welcome such a breather.1 But right now, the right path appears to be getting back to the future, or back from the past: posts will appear as they are produced and seem relevant to what we’re all facing on the ground. I hope this change improves the value you get from The Circulation of Elites. And if you are finding value in it, please share it around with anyone else who you think might feel the same.
Meanwhile. Stay tuned for more dispatches from the frontier of the pathocracy!
I regret that, before everything started going full haywire, we haven’t had the chance to explore the theoretical ideas of the biology of power or biopolitics. They would have equipped us even better for discussing in the blog what’s happening in the world in real-time. Perhaps, even if the current pace doesn’t slacken noticeably soon, there still may an opportunity to squeeze in posts on those topics, though I am cognizant of not wanting to overload the readers of the substack. We’ll see.
keep on the good work, thank you.
I want to direct attention to the World Health Assembly (WHA) rewrite of the International Health Regulation (IHR) Treaty, now in progress. An interim meeting was March 1, following the WHA
"Special Session" held Monday Nov. 30- Dec2. It is notable that O was declared by the WHO
a pandemic concern the previous Friday. Emphasized in the Assembly was the need for "Whole of Society","Binding Regulations" during a "Pandemic Emergency". The declaration by WHO thus
controls the injunction of "Binding" dictates to the "Whole of Society", EMPOWERING ITSELF.
Additionally, there was a great emphasis upon the need to control "Misinformation". Tedros recently spoke publicly about this. Presently, the Pandemic Regulations are recommendations,
although virtually all countries followed them. Again notably, these were sent with a "Waiver of Liability" to all WHO countries. USA through Fauci followed them.
Unfortunately, virtually all measures recommended by WHO were useless and tainted by the Circulation of Elites and their political goals. One could discourse at length about these taints.
But the bottom line is that, from an actual medical standpoint, these dictates constitute medical
malpractice, at best. The Who cabal cannot be given Binding,Whole of Society power over
the Health of the People of Earth. Nor can it be given power to control information.It has demonstrated incompetence and failure.
So, unravalling the Elite claim that WHO Treaties confer both power and legitimacy is one of the linchpins that must be pulled. No agent of a Constitutional State has the right to abrogate the
authority of that state to the demonstrable harm of the population. The Who cabal has factually created vast harm. The Authority and Legitimacy of WHO must be addressed and thwarted.
Thus, this missive hopes to provoke interest in this subject. The World Council for Health is opening a IHR fact base, and is making a public declaration regarding this. Kit Knightly (Off Guardian) just wrote about this, as did Dr. Breggin. Virtually everyone on Earth has been affected
by the Pandemic Political Policies. Hopefully, awareness will spread of the roots of the Elite Plot
to reduce Humanity to a cipher in their calculations. Pull the Linchpin.