keep on the good work, thank you.

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I want to direct attention to the World Health Assembly (WHA) rewrite of the International Health Regulation (IHR) Treaty, now in progress. An interim meeting was March 1, following the WHA

"Special Session" held Monday Nov. 30- Dec2. It is notable that O was declared by the WHO

a pandemic concern the previous Friday. Emphasized in the Assembly was the need for "Whole of Society","Binding Regulations" during a "Pandemic Emergency". The declaration by WHO thus

controls the injunction of "Binding" dictates to the "Whole of Society", EMPOWERING ITSELF.

Additionally, there was a great emphasis upon the need to control "Misinformation". Tedros recently spoke publicly about this. Presently, the Pandemic Regulations are recommendations,

although virtually all countries followed them. Again notably, these were sent with a "Waiver of Liability" to all WHO countries. USA through Fauci followed them.

Unfortunately, virtually all measures recommended by WHO were useless and tainted by the Circulation of Elites and their political goals. One could discourse at length about these taints.

But the bottom line is that, from an actual medical standpoint, these dictates constitute medical

malpractice, at best. The Who cabal cannot be given Binding,Whole of Society power over

the Health of the People of Earth. Nor can it be given power to control information.It has demonstrated incompetence and failure.

So, unravalling the Elite claim that WHO Treaties confer both power and legitimacy is one of the linchpins that must be pulled. No agent of a Constitutional State has the right to abrogate the

authority of that state to the demonstrable harm of the population. The Who cabal has factually created vast harm. The Authority and Legitimacy of WHO must be addressed and thwarted.

Thus, this missive hopes to provoke interest in this subject. The World Council for Health is opening a IHR fact base, and is making a public declaration regarding this. Kit Knightly (Off Guardian) just wrote about this, as did Dr. Breggin. Virtually everyone on Earth has been affected

by the Pandemic Political Policies. Hopefully, awareness will spread of the roots of the Elite Plot

to reduce Humanity to a cipher in their calculations. Pull the Linchpin.

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