...and here we go, welcome to the tyranny w/o a tyrant. Hannah Arendt—a skilful linguistic symbols manipulator herself 😉—may not have had your apt term ‘managerial class’ (or a notion of its superb ventriloquist powers for that matter), though it looks like she did grasp the pernicious effects of ruling from under invisibility cloak ↓
💬 Bureaucracy is the form of government in which everybody is deprived of political freedom, of the power to act; for the rule by Nobody is not no-rule, and where all are equally powerless we have a tyranny without a tyrant.
Ty an umptillion for constructing a neat dependable framework to make sense of the insane sociogeopolitical world that doesn‘t make sense at all 😊 Totally gone bonkers ← so it seemed before Grant Smith fortunately directed me to The Circulation of Elites 💯🔥
Steve, thanks for your comment; feedback is welcomed and appreciated. Unfortunately, I’m not sure my reply will either please or satisfy you. As I discuss at greater length in The Managerial Class on Trial, I don’t hold out much hope for a resurgence of the bourgeoisie. The managerial class has been largely successful in gutting that rival class through the leveraging of publicly traded companies to decenter capital ownership (creating something of a concentrated benefits-dispersed costs situation). And, especially in newer, more dynamic enterprises, those in the big companies/corporations who hold large numbers of shares tend to be those who got into that position acting as managerial class members. (Leveraging their symbolic manipulation expertise, rather than accumulating savings and investing.) The traditional bourgeoisie, of course has not been entirely eliminated, though it tends now to be largely confined to entrepreneurial small business. Obviously, though there are notable exception. I have – on the substack and elsewhere – pointed to interesting developments of potential and (to the managerial class potentially) threatening alliances between the bourgeoisie and the populist insurgency. (Apparently we can't create hyperlinks in the comments, and pasting all the links into the text would be too cumbersome, so I'll stick them at the bottom.) However, as I’ve emphasized in these posts, I suspect the more likely threat to the globalist wing of the current ruling faction of the managerial class is to come from Turchin’s surplus elites – particularly the nationalist wing of the managerial class. Though the current geopolitical upheaval seems to be playing a role, as well. Whether one should consider that a promising prospect I suppose is open to debate. As the title of the substack suggests, a sufficiently regular circulation of elites I consider the best hope for maintaining some space for freedom and relative well-being.
Interesting developments in bourgeois and populist collaboration:
...and here we go, welcome to the tyranny w/o a tyrant. Hannah Arendt—a skilful linguistic symbols manipulator herself 😉—may not have had your apt term ‘managerial class’ (or a notion of its superb ventriloquist powers for that matter), though it looks like she did grasp the pernicious effects of ruling from under invisibility cloak ↓
💬 Bureaucracy is the form of government in which everybody is deprived of political freedom, of the power to act; for the rule by Nobody is not no-rule, and where all are equally powerless we have a tyranny without a tyrant.
Ty an umptillion for constructing a neat dependable framework to make sense of the insane sociogeopolitical world that doesn‘t make sense at all 😊 Totally gone bonkers ← so it seemed before Grant Smith fortunately directed me to The Circulation of Elites 💯🔥
Tim Morgan is up to similar and similarly thankless task wrt a base to superstructure (not *the* base 😇) → https://surplusenergyeconomics.wordpress.com/2022/10/19/242-the-dynamics-of-global-re-pricing/
So how does the capital class (those who fund the institutions that the managerial class work at) fight back against this tactic?
Steve, thanks for your comment; feedback is welcomed and appreciated. Unfortunately, I’m not sure my reply will either please or satisfy you. As I discuss at greater length in The Managerial Class on Trial, I don’t hold out much hope for a resurgence of the bourgeoisie. The managerial class has been largely successful in gutting that rival class through the leveraging of publicly traded companies to decenter capital ownership (creating something of a concentrated benefits-dispersed costs situation). And, especially in newer, more dynamic enterprises, those in the big companies/corporations who hold large numbers of shares tend to be those who got into that position acting as managerial class members. (Leveraging their symbolic manipulation expertise, rather than accumulating savings and investing.) The traditional bourgeoisie, of course has not been entirely eliminated, though it tends now to be largely confined to entrepreneurial small business. Obviously, though there are notable exception. I have – on the substack and elsewhere – pointed to interesting developments of potential and (to the managerial class potentially) threatening alliances between the bourgeoisie and the populist insurgency. (Apparently we can't create hyperlinks in the comments, and pasting all the links into the text would be too cumbersome, so I'll stick them at the bottom.) However, as I’ve emphasized in these posts, I suspect the more likely threat to the globalist wing of the current ruling faction of the managerial class is to come from Turchin’s surplus elites – particularly the nationalist wing of the managerial class. Though the current geopolitical upheaval seems to be playing a role, as well. Whether one should consider that a promising prospect I suppose is open to debate. As the title of the substack suggests, a sufficiently regular circulation of elites I consider the best hope for maintaining some space for freedom and relative well-being.
Interesting developments in bourgeois and populist collaboration:
Emphasizing the surplus elite:
Impact of the current geopolitical upheaval: